Day 10, Making the best of it

After getting unfortunately sick and missing a day of birding yesterday, I was able to get back out today for some low key birding. Sometimes things just don’t work out as planned, and although I had to play the rest of the trip by ear and take it slow, I did what I could to make the best of it. I had a comfortable place to hang out, and am so grateful to Eladio for looking out for me.

In between the intermittent downpours I strolled along the trails here at Cabañas Tamiaju, and spent some quality time at the hummingbird feeders. Rather than finding lots of new birds, today’s focus felt like getting to know the birds here better, which I also really enjoy doing. Learning the songs and eventually, little by little, connecting them with the visual appearance of each species. Discovering where certain birds like to hang out and learning their behaviour. And of course persisting in my attempts at actually seeing the resident Long-tailed Tapaculo, though still without success. Late in the afternoon, after one particularly long period of rain, I went out for a final loop and got an unexpected lifer in a pair of Fulvous-breasted Flatbills. This is just one reason why birding here is so magical, you never know what might show up!